La aproape două săptămâni de la lansarea iOS 9 beta 4 pentru dezvoltatorii de aplicații, compania Apple a publicat cea de-a cincea actualizare beta a celei mai recente versiuni majore a sistemului de operare. iOS 9 beta 5 este deci disponibil și poate fi instalat pe toate dispozitivele iPhone 4s (sau mai recent), iPad 2 (sau mai recent), iPad mini (sau mai recent) și iPod touch generația a 5-a (sau mai recent), atât de către dezvoltatorii de aplicații, cât și de către utilizatorii înscriși în programul public de testare a versiunilor beta de iOS. Noutățile vor fi anunțate mai jos, pe măsură ce vor fi descoperite.

Actualizarea iOS 9 beta 5 și iOS 9 public beta 3 are build-ul 13A4325c, și este disponibilă pentru descărcare atât i prin sistemul Actualizare software din Configurările iOS, cât și prin Apple Developer Center (numai pentru dezvoltatori). Alături de această versiune a iOS, dezvoltatorii mai pot descărca de pe portalul Apple și Xcode 7 beta 5 – cea mai recentă versiune a programului de dezvoltare a aplicațiilor, care include SDK-ul și API-urile iOS 9 / OS X 10.11.

iOS 9 beta 5 și iOS 9 public beta 3 continuă efortul companiei Apple de a rezolva problemele de funcționare ale acestei actualizări, iar dezvoltatorii ar trebui să sesizeze pe alocuri îmbunătățiri semnificative, ținând cont că programul public de testare al iOS 9 este disponibil de aproximativ o lună. Prima actualizare iOS 9 beta din luna august o succede pe cea de la finele lunii iulie, care nu introducea decât mici modificări pe partea de design și funcționalitate a sistemului de operare, dar și îmbunătățiri în privința performanțelor și multiple corecturi de erori.

Prezentată în urmă cu exact o lună, pe 8 iunie, la WWDC 2015, iOS 9 este o versiune majoră a sistemului de operare pentru iPhone și iPad în care Apple s-a concentrat pe îmbunătățirea inteligenței artificiale, permițând dispozitivelor iOS să învețe tabieturile utilizatorilor pentru a oferi recomandări inteligente privind aplicațiile pe care ar dori să le folosească la un moment dat, persoanele pe care să le contacteze și nu numai. Siri stă în centrul tuturor îmbunătățirilor și recomandărilor inteligente, iOS 9 învățând asistentul chiar și să creeze mementouri contextuale și să răspundă unor comenzi date în limbajul uzual.

În plus, iOS 9 mai vine cu îmbunătățiri semnificative în privința aplicațiilor Mail, Hărți, Notițe, adaugă o nouă aplicație – Noutăți – și îmbunătățește productivitatea utilizatorilor de iPad. În cazul tabletelor, trebuie menționat că Apple a inclus în sfârșit opțiunea de a folosi două aplicații simultan, dar și de a vizualiza clipuri video sau filme în timp ce folosești alte aplicații decât cele în care sunt redate.

Dar cel mai important, iOS 9 este o actualizare canalizată pe îmbunătățirea performanțelor și a experienței de utilizare. Compania Apple a inclus în iOS 9 o grămadă de caracteristici noi în aplicațiile existente, care răspund solicitărilor făcute de utilizatori de ani de zile. Mai mult, ea a încercat să reducă dimensiunea aplicațiilor și actualizărilor iOS, dar și să îmbunătățească autonomia bateriei cu câteva caractersitici și includerea modului Consum redus.

iOS 9 beta 5este disponibil momentan numai pentru dezvoltatorii de aplicații, utilizatorii de rând putând testa în continuare versiunea de acum două săptămâni a iOS 9. Prin urmare, dacă ești înscris în programul public de testare, să nu cauți această actualizare, deoarece, așa cum era de așteptat, ea nu va fi disponibilă decât pentru dezvoltatori (pentru moment).

iOS 9 beta 5 și iOS 9 public beta 3 – iată tot ce aduc nou

  1. Includ 15 noi fundaluri pentru ecranul de blocare și/sau ecranul principal, însă elimină câteva dintre vechile opțiuni (inclusiv fundalul iOS 9 implicit de până acum). Noile fundaluri din iOS 9 beta 5 pot fi văzute în capturile de mai jos.
  2. Compatibilitatea CarPlay cu caracteristici ale Beats 1 și Apple Music a fost îmbunătățită în această versiune beta de iOS, care permite acum inclusiv aprecierea pistelor din sistemul multimedia al autoturismelor. În plus, pictogramele albumelor pistelor redate în aplicația Muzică din CarPlay este afișată de acum în spatele butoanelor de control, sub un efect de transluciditate.
  3. Aplicația însoțitoare a Apple Watch revine la denumirea „Watch” (pe parcursul de testare al iOS 9 denumirea ei s-a schimbat în „Ceas”, „Apple Watch” și „Watch”).ios9
  4. Căutarea oferă un mesaj de întâmpinare pe dispozitivele utilizatorilor noi și inclusiv legătură rapidă către o pagină de descriere a modului în care caracteristicile acesteia păstrează intimitatea.ios9
  5. Tastele Shift și Ștergere au fost modificate, fiind acum și mai ușor de distins.ios9
  6. Aplicația Mail este din nou tradusă complet în limba română (după ce în versiunea beta precedentă nu era disponibilă în această limbă), în timp ce aplicația News este disponibilă în engleză (până acum era disponibilă și în România, deși nu este accesibilă de la noi).
  7. Butonul „Redați totul aleatoriu” a fost mutat în aplicația Muzică pentru a fi mai ușor de accesat de către utilizatorii care vor să asculte melodiile din propriile biblioteci audio.muzica redați totul aleatoriu ios9
  8. Noutățile aplicației Calendar sunt evidențiate la inițializarea acesteia;ios9
  9. A fost inclusă caracteristica „Asistență Wi-Fi˝ care permite utilizarea automată a conexiunii celulare de date atunci când conectivitatea Wi-Fi este slabă.ios9
  10. Denumirea funcționalității „Scurtături” a fost modificată în „Înlocuire text”.ios9

iOS 9 beta 5 – notițele lansării


iOS SDK 9.0 provides support for developing iOS apps. It is packaged with a complete set of Xcode tools, compilers, and frameworks for creating apps for iOS and OS X. These tools include the Xcode IDE and the Instruments analysis tool, among many others.

With this software you can develop apps for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 9. You can also test your apps using the included Simulator, which supports iOS 9. iOS SDK 9.0 requires a Mac computer running OS X v10.10.3 (Yosemite) or later.

This version of iOS is intended for installation only on devices registered with the Apple Developer Program. Attempting to install this version of iOS in an unauthorized manner could put your device in an unusable state.

For more information and additional support resources, visit

Bug Reporting

For issues not mentioned in the Notes and Known Issues section, please file bugs through the Apple Developer website ( bug-reporting/ios/). Additionally, you may discuss these issues and iOS SDK 9.0 in the Apple Developer Forums: /pre-release/ios-9-beta. To get more information about iCloud for Developers, go to

Autosubmission of Diagnostic and Usage Data

By default, the iOS 9 beta automatically sends anonymous diagnostic and usage data back to Apple. This includes information about crashes, freezes, kernel panics, and information about how you use Apple and third-party software, hardware, and services. This information is used to help Apple improve the quality and performance of its products and services. You can stop autosubmission of diagnostics and usage data by going to Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics and Usage > Don’t Send.

Notes and Known Issues

The following issues relate to using iOS SDK 9.0 to develop code.


Fixed in Beta 5

Lightning video dongles don’t work with this beta.

App Store


iOS 9 enforces the UILaunch Images requirement; apps can no longer declare the same launch image to support different interface orientations.

Known Issue

Users might be prompted twice for credentials on the first In-App Purchase.

Apple ID


Some users will be offered the option to upgrade their Apple ID to use two-factor authentication. For more information about two-factor authentication see support/ two-factor- authentication. Two-factor authentication is not supported on iOS 9 betas prior to beta 3.

Fixed in Beta 5

  • You may not be able to create a new Apple ID in Settings or Setup Assistant.

    Workaround: Create a new iCloud account on

  • You cannot manage your two-factor authentication trusted devices at

    Workaround: You can find and manage trusted devices in Settings > iCloud > yourName > Devices.

  • Removing a device from your account removes it as a trusted device for two-factor authentication, but will not sign out of any services or permanently remove it from the device list.

    Workaround: To fully remove a device, click Remove From Account then sign out of iCloud in device Settings of the device you want to remove.

Known Issues

  • iForgot links may work intermittently.

    Workaround: Please try again.

  • If you upgrade your Apple ID to use two-factor authentication, iTunes purchases on Mac and Windows and store purchases on Apple TV will require you to append a six-digit verification code to the end of your password on every purchase. The six-digit code will display automatically on your iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan devices, or can be sent to your trusted phone number via a text message or phone call.

  • If your Apple ID uses two-factor authentication, you may not be able to sign in to services that use Apple ID on iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan beta installations earlier than beta 3.

  • If you disable two-factor authentication and set a new password at, the password requirements are not indicated so your password may not be accepted.

    Workaround: Make sure your password meets these requirements:

    • Have at least one lowercase letter

    • Have at least one uppercase letter

    • Have at least one number

    • Your password must not contain more than two consecutive identical characters

    • Not be the same as the account name

    • Be at least 8 characters

    • Not be a common password



  • The canUse Network ResourcesFor LiveStreaming WhilePaused property has been added to AVPlayer Item. The default value is NO for apps linked on or after iOS 9.0 or OS X 10.11, but YES for apps that were linked earlier.

    To minimize power usage, set this property to NO if you do not need playback state to stay up to date while paused.

  • AVQueue Player now supports a mixture of file-based media and HTTP Live Streaming media in its queue. Prior to this, you had to ensure that all items in the queue were of the same type.

  • For apps linked against iOS 9 or later, the media interruption behavior for AV(Queue)Player has changed.

    Before iOS 9, apps could interrupt other media-playing clients by associating or adding AV PlayerItem to AVPlayer or by modifying the time or date of the current AVPlayer Item (using the seekTo Time: or seek To Date: methods). In iOS 9, these operations interrupt only when AVPlayer object’s playback rate is changed to a non-zero value through the rate property or play method.

  • Picture in Picture playback might stop and the Picture in Picture button might disappear when using  AVPlayer View Controller for video playback and replacing the underlying AVPlayerobject’s current item using replace  Current Item WithPlayer Item:.

  • The AV  PictureIn  Picture Controller interface and the cancel PictureInPicture method are deprecated.


Fixed in Beta 5

Calendar may hang if you tap Ignore on a suggested event.


Fixed in Beta 5

The Home button may not always work.

Known Issue

The navigation bar in Maps can sometimes get into a state where it is inaccessible.



The retrieve Peripherals: and retrieve Connected Peripherals methods were deprecated in iOS 7.0 and removed in iOS 9.0. Apps that use these methods will crash on launch or upon pairing an accessory.



iOS 9 adds support for TLS v1.2 in 8021.X authentication. Authentication servers that support TLS v1.2 may require an update for compatibility. If you are using FreeRADIUS, update to version 2.2.7 or 3.0.8. If you are using Aruba ClearPass update to version 6.5.2. If you are using other Aruba products, update to ArubaOS



  • There is new Foundation API that can be used to detect if the device is in Low Power Mode. See the updated Energy Efficiency Guide for iOS Apps for details.

  • Horizontal location constraints should consistently reference either left/right or leading/trailing attributes. For apps linked against the iOS 9 SDK, NSLayout Constraint will throw an exception if you attempt to create a constraint between a leading/trailing attribute and a left/right attribute.


Known Issue

In rare circumstances, it is possible for the health database to be deleted during an upgrade to a beta build.

Workaround: To make sure the health database is not lost, make an encrypted iTunes backup prior to installing this beta.

Although keeping the device unlocked for the duration of the upgrade process reduces the risk of the database being destroyed, it’s recommended that you create a backup so that you can recover the database if you encounter this issue.

Home Sharing

Fixed in Beta 5

  • If you have an empty music library, you will be unable to enable or disable Home Sharing in Music.

  • The Home Sharing option doesn’t always appear in My Music.

iCloud Drive


The fetchAll Changes property on CKFetch Record Changes Operation has been deprecated, and will be removed in iOS 9.



Russian, Turkish, and Korean QuickType keyboards require iOS 9 beta 2 or later.

Fixed in Beta 5

If you use a complex passcode on an iPad, some panes in Settings will now show the keyboard.



iCloud Keychain will not sync passwords & credit cards with previous betas of iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan.

Fixed in Beta 5

  • You may not be able to accept a Suggested Password when creating a new account.

  • You may be unable to join an existing iCloud Keychain circle using iCloud Security Code and SMS Verification Code.

  • After changing your iCloud password, you may see an “iCloud Keychain Reset” prompt.

  • If you have two-step verification enabled on your AppleID and then change your iCloud Keychain or iCloud Security Code on a non-trusted device, you see a “Verification Failed” error.

  • If your iCloud account uses two-factor authentication, you will get a sign-in alert on all logged-in iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan devices whenever there is a change in the phone number in Settings > iCloud > Keychain > Advanced.


Known Issue

A Yahoo mail account may periodically display “Cannot get mail.”


Known Issue

If you use Siri to get driving, walking, or transit directions, you may see a failure with a dialog that says “Current Location not Available.”

Workaround: Toggle Wi-Fi and then try again. Alternatively, get directions in Maps directly without using Siri.


Fixed in Beta 5

  • When recording audio messages, the audio glyphs are not shown. This occurs in both quick reply and in the Messages app.

  • When you send an audio message, it may be difficult to begin playback.



When users plug in headphones or connect to Bluetooth or CarPlay in their car, their favorite music app appears on the lock screen or the car display.

For your app to be eligible for this, it must publish to Now Playing upon launch and consistently maintain a Now Playing state. A common practice upon launch is to continue playing the track from when the app was last exited.

Known Issues

  • The share sheet may not appear when sharing tracks from Apple Music.

  • The New tab may not load if you are not signed into Apple Music.



When negotiating a TLS/SSL connection with Diffie-Hellman key exchange, iOS 9 requires a 1024-bit group or larger. These connections include:

  • Secure Web (HTTPS)

  • Enterprise Wi-Fi (802.1X)

  • Secure e-mail (IMAP, POP, SMTP)

  • Printing servers (IPPS)

Photo Booth

Fixed in Beta 5

Photos taken with Photo Booth are not saved.


Known Issue

Playing a video while ReplayKit recording is ON will stop ongoing recording session and video will fail to play.


Fixed in Beta 5

Fixed a bug where calling reload Content Blocker WithIdentifier :completion Handler: returned an error when running on a physical device.


  • When Done is tapped in a SFSafari View Controller, it is automatically dismissed. You no longer need to dismiss it in the delegate method safari ViewController DidFinish:.

  • “Find on Page” is now available both from the share sheet as well as in the Completions List.

  • Request Desktop Site has moved; it’s now in the Share sheet instead of Favorites.

  • Web Browser–to–Native App Handoff does not work with your app if the apple- app-site-association file isn’t correctly formatted and signed. For more information, see Handoff Programming Guide and Shared Web Credentials Reference.

Secure Transport


  • DHE_RSA ciphersuites are now disabled by default in Secure Transport for TLS clients. This may cause failure to connect to TLS servers that only support DHE_RSA cipher suites. Applications that explicitly enable ciphersuites using SSLSet EnabledCiphers() are not affected and will still use DHE_RSA ciphersuites if explicetely enabled.


Fixed in Beta 5

  • Siri cannot change Settings options.

  • Siri Eyes Free may not work.

  • You are unable to create, view, or edit notes using Siri.


Fixed in Beta 5

After upgrading to this beta, some contacts are not searchable in Spotlight.



  • If initialized with a nil nib Name value, UIView Controller.nib Name has always looked for a nib with a similar name as the view controller’s class, and defaulted to that value if load Viewis not overridden.

    Prior to iOS 9, subclasses of UIView Controller that were written in Swift would require that their corresponding nib file name include the module prefix.

    To improve flexibility in the event of refactoring, you can omit the module name from the nib file name in code that runs in iOS 9 beta 4 and later. UIView Controller.nibName still prefers a name that contains the module prefix, but falls back to an unqualified name if a nib with the fully-qualified name is not found.

  • In iOS 9, when layout IfNeeded is sent to a view and all of the following conditions are satisfied (which is not common), we apply fitting-size constraints (width/height = 0 at UI LayoutPriority Fitting SizeLevel) instead of required size constraints (width/height required to match current size):

    1. The receiver is not yet in the subtree of a view that hosts a layout engine, such as window, view controller view (unless you have set translates Autoresizing MaskInto Constraints to NO on that view—or created constraints that have one item in its subtree and one item outside it), table view cell content view, and so on.

    2. The final ancestor (that is, top-level view) of the receiver has translates Autoresizing MaskInto Constraints set to NO.

    3. The top-level view has a subview that is not a UIView Controller-owned layout guide that also has translates AutoresizingMask Into Constraints set to NO.

    Under condition 1, we create a temporary layout engine from the top-level view and add all the constraints from the subtree to it. The problem is that we need to add some constraints that make the size of the top-level view unambiguous in the layout engine. The old behavior (prior to iOS 9) was that we would add constraints to restrict the size of the top-level view to its current bounds for any situation under condition 1. This really doesn’t make sense when you add conditions 2 and 3 and can result in unsatisfiable-constraints logging and broken layout.

    So in iOS 9, for this special case only, we use fitting-size constraints instead.

    This means that if you are sending layout IfNeeded to a view under these conditions in iOS 9, you must be sure that either you have sufficient constraints to establish a size for the top-level view (which usually, though not always, is the receiver) or you must add temporary size constraints to the top-level view of layout size you desire before sending layout IfNeeded, and remove them afterward.

  • For apps linked on iOS 9 or later, UITextView will now always correctly constrict its NSText Container to the fit inside the view when scrolling is disabled. Overflowing lines that lie outside of an NSText Container, even partially, are not rendered.

    In previous iOS releases, the NSText Container sometimes was not constricted in size. This meant that logically overflowing lines were erroneously rendered. If you are seeing previously rendered lines at the end of your text view no longer rendered after linking your app against iOS 9, this behavior change is the likely cause. You can remedy this by making your UITextView larger, or perhaps by adjusting the bottom value of the text view’s text ContainerInset property.

  • There is a redesigned UI for printing that includes a print preview (presented from UIPrint Interaction Controller or UI ActivityView Controller). For apps that provide printing items or use only built-in UIPrintFormatter objects (such as UI Simple TextPrint FormatterUIMarkup Text PrintFormatterUIWeb ViewPrint Formatter, or the UIView Print Formatter of any system-provided view), nothing additional is needed for the print preview to display.

    Apps that subclass UIPrint PageRenderer or UIPrint Formatter to draw content for printing must be built with the iOS 9 SDK for the preview to display. The behavior of UIPrint PageRenderer has been updated to call draw PageAtIndex: inRect: multiple times with potentially different page sizes and margins. Various methods on UIPrint PageRenderermay be called from a non-main thread, but never from multiple threads concurrently.

  • UIPickerView and UI DatePicker are now resizable and adaptive—previously, these views would enforce a default size even if you attempted to resize them. These views also now default to a width of 320 points on all devices, instead of to the device width on iPhone.

    Interfaces that rely on the old enforcement of the default size will likely look wrong when compiled for iOS 9. Any problems encountered can be resolved by fully constraining or sizing picker views to the desired size instead of relying on implicit behavior.

Known Issues

  • Instances of UI View Controller classes that are defined in the UIKit library and are created with a nil nibBundle attempt to find their nib inside the UIKit framework instead of the app’s main bundle.

    Workaround: Pass [NSBundle mainBundle] for the nibBundle argument instead of nil.

  • Apps linked to versions of iOS earlier than iOS 8 may display incorrectly. Symptoms include cropping and displaying only in a small section of the screen.

Volume Purchase Program

Fixed in Beta 5

Apps that are distributed through VPP and are licensed to a device won’t launch.

Watch App

Known Issue

Pairing iOS 9 beta 3 or 4 with watchOS 2 beta 1 or 2 requires you to sign out of your AppleID in Messages prior to pairing and to skip iCloud sign-in during pairing. Pairing with watchOS 2 beta 3 and watchOS 1 is not impacted.



The if-domain and unless-domain value strings only match the exact domain. To match the domain and any subdomains, begin the string with the asterisk character (*).


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