In cursul acestei seri, Apple a publicat pe portalul dedicat dezvoltatorilor si pe sistemul online de actualizare al iPhone, iPad si iPod touch o noua versiune beta pentru iOS 8. Lansata la doua saptamani distanta de a patra versiune beta a iOS 8, iOS 8 beta 5 aduce dezvoltatorilor numeroase imbunatatiri, corecturi de probleme si retusuri pe partea de design, cele mai importante fiind prezentate in cadrul articolului mentionat mai jos:
La fel ca si in cazul oricarei alte versiuni beta a iOS sau OS X, Apple a trimis dezvoltatorilor notitele lansarii iOS 8 beta 5 care le ofera o imagine asupra tuturor imbunatatirilor facute, corecturilor de probleme, dar si a problemelor stiute care inca mai exista. Lista este una lunga, semn ca in cele doua saptamani dintre ultimele doua lansari beta ale iOS 8 au fost facute multiple schimbari mai mult sau mai putin importante. Desigur, in aceasta lista nu sunt mentionate modificarile facute pe partea de design, iar daca sunteti curiosi sa vedeti care sunt imbunatatirile si corecturile facute de catre Apple in iOS 8 beta 5, atunci puteti sa o cititi, ea fiind accesibila si de pe Developer Center.
iOS SDK Release Notes for iOS 8.0 Beta 5
iOS SDK 8.0 provides support for developing iOS apps. It is packaged with a complete set of Xcode tools, compilers, and frameworks for creating apps for iOS and OS X. These tools include the Xcode IDE and the Instruments analysis tool, among many others.
With this software you can develop apps for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 8. You can also test your apps using the included iOS Simulator, which supports iOS 8. iOS SDK 8.0 requires a Mac computer running OS X v10.9.3 (Mavericks) or later.
This version of iOS is intended for installation only on devices registered with the Apple Developer Program. Attempting to install this version of iOS in an unauthorized manner could put your device in an unusable state.
For more information and additional support resources, visit
Bug Reporting
For issues not mentioned in the Notes and Known Issues section, please file bugs through the Apple Developer website ( Additionally, you may discuss these issues and iOS SDK 8.0 in the Apple Developer Forums: To get more information about iCloud for Developers, go to
Notes and Known Issues
The following issues relate to using iOS SDK 8.0 to develop code.
Fixed in beta 5
Use of the
will fail. -
In some configurations, the
property onMARKDOWN_HASHc2b5861e8645dcd9690b0ee7f1b7704fMARKDOWN_HASH
will yield incorrect results.
Known Issue
Use of the new constant, MARKDOWN_HASH8344932bbad9ac11a86b6aa1da25a1a1MARKDOWN_HASH
, will result in inconsistent ISO values (as observed on the ISO property) if MARKDOWN_HASH9d8865950b7b5d1bd517c844c5620485MARKDOWN_HASH
is called repeatedly.
Backup and Restore
Fixed in beta 5
A restoration of an iCloud backup onto the same device the backup was taken from may not work properly. As a result, some apps may crash.
Known Issues
Encrypted backups to iTunes fail.
iOS 7 iCloud backups restored to an iOS 8 beta device may not properly restore photos.
Fixed in beta 5
The Now Playing screen is missing the Back button in the top-left corner.
Fixed in beta 5
Clients sending multiple simultaneous record update requests to the same zone in the private database may encounter MARKDOWN_HASH653e312681ec7072609911ed276a931dMARKDOWN_HASH
Workaround: Clients should send update requests for a given zone one at a time. In addition, they should handle MARKDOWN_HASH653e312681ec7072609911ed276a931dMARKDOWN_HASH
errors by retrying with an exponential backoff.
The Address Book UI people picker has been changed for iOS 8. A new mode with new API has been added where the app does not need access to the user’s contacts and the user will not be prompted for access. A temporary copy of the selected person is returned to the app. See MARKDOWN_HASHdcfc7140cabc1d1217fd151d789396deMARKDOWN_HASH
for more details.
As of iOS 8 beta 2, you must use the new mode. The old mode has been deprecated.
See the new PeoplePicker: Picking a Person or Property sample project demonstrating usage of the new mode.
Document Providers
Your app needs the iCloud entitlement to be able to be used as a document provider.
The entitlement will be required when iOS 8 is released.
Fixed in beta 5
App icons in the document picker do not show up on iPhone and iPad.
Document providers may hang when importing files.
Known Issues
After rotating document picker to landscape, the status bar is hidden.
Upon bringing up document picker in landscape, the containing view may be shifted beneath the navigation bar.
On iPhone, bringing up DocMenu from Locations in DocPicker, overlaps with status bar.
Known Issues
Extensions need an arm64 slice to run on 64-bit devices. If you try to run the armv7 slice on a 64-bit device it won’t work.
Apps need to have an arm64 slice if the bundle contains a framework that both the app and the app extension link against.
Fixed in beta 5
Keyboard extensions can now be profiled with Instruments.
Extensions now more reliably support control of location access.
After redeploying an app, the Today view extension may not be launched, and sometimes its bundle display name becomes the name of the app.
Fixed in beta 5
FaceTime does not work properly in landscape orientation.
Family Sharing
Known Issues
Shared purchase history pages on Mac App Store and iOS App Store are disabled.
Items already owned by family members must be re-downloaded from the Purchased page (not Store pages) to get them free of additional charge.
File System
The file system layout of app containers has changed on disk. Rather than relying on hard-coded directory structure, use the MARKDOWN_HASH9648f252eff7e19e34857f2db8115ad0MARKDOWN_HASH
function or theMARKDOWN_HASH60a798e1e81947ae7cd10138f6a4c016MARKDOWN_HASH
method of the MARKDOWN_HASHbe13a29b4bdf6a9919fed9e67817e14fMARKDOWN_HASH
class. See Accessing Files and Directories in File System Programming Guide.
Find My Friends
Now that the Share My Location feature is integrated into Messages, Find My Friends only supports the Apple ID configured in Settings > iCloud.
The Thai system font has increased in size to improve readability. This will cause clipping in many places in your UI if you don’t take appropriate action:
as much as possible. If you use Interface Builder, make sure that Clip Subviews is not checked. UIKit will grow the clipping region as necessary to not clip text. -
Use Dynamic Type. This will ensure that you do not have overlapping glyphs in multiline labels or text fields.
If you can’t do 1 and 2 because you implement your own views, you must implement measures not to clip. You can use CoreText to figure out the appropriate clipping region for a line of text by calling:
To avoid overlapping glyphs in multiline text elements, adjust the line height. An additional 30% is recommended.
This measure will also help your app perform better in other languages, including Arabic, Hindi, and Vietnamese.
Handoff is incompatible between devices using this beta and the prior beta. You should test Handoff with the most recent beta software because it is not backward-compatible with previous betas.
Spirometry data types are now available in HealthKit.
Any blood type that was set in Medical ID prior to beta 3 will be cleared.
The pairing UI for BTLE health devices has been removed from HealthKit and is now available in Settings > Bluetooth.
API is now available to store workouts. -
has been renamedMARKDOWN_HASH5ea0ff104a26e01263855a409a2d4cd7MARKDOWN_HASH
. -
The following
identifiers have been removed:-
After upgrading to beta 5, you need to reset your home configuration in Settings > Privacy > HomeKit > Reset Home Configuration.
You must sign into iCloud and enable Keychain sync to use HomeKit with this seed.
Known Issue
Siri may not immediately recognize HomeKit data changes.
Workaround: To trigger an update to Siri, edit other data used by Siri such as a contact or the name of a Reminders list.
Fixed in beta 5
iAd videos may not play in NPR HLS station.
iCloud Drive
iCloud Documents & Data created with iOS 8 Beta will be deleted from the servers at some point during this beta period. Information downloaded and not evicted from the device will remain on device and will re-sync after the data wipe occurs.
Document storage containers created using the
class in iOS 7 are not yet available for use with iCloud Documents through Xcode 6 beta or in the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section of Member Center. These containers will be migrated later and associated with your existing App IDs. -
might return nil when running your application in Xcode. If so, open System Preferences, navigate to iCloud > iCloud Drive, and enable Xcode. -
Migrating to iCloud Drive will disable Documents & Data syncing for your iCloud account on iOS 7 and earlier devices, as well as OS X Mavericks and earlier Macs.
iCloud Keychain
Fixed in beta 5
Initial sync does not work if the approving device is locked when the approval occurs.
Using the recovery option can leave you in a state where new items added to the keychain do not sync.
Known Issue
Upon logging into a device with the iCloud 8 beta, other devices in your keychain circle may have their access to the circle revoked.
Workaround: Enable iCloud Keychain Sync on your other devices again.
iTunes Sync
Known Issue
Apps do not sync from a device to iTunes.
Fixed in beta 5
If you turn off predictive text in one app and then turn it back on in another, it may not actually be reactivated.
Caps Lock may be unexpectedly enabled in text input fields.
Fixed in beta 5
The following have English strings that are now properly localized in other languages:
Known Issue
When viewed in the Simulator, the “Hybrid” view in Maps and MapKit apps does not show all of the tiles.
Metal and OpenGL
Fixed in beta 5
Shadow samplers are broken when using linear filtering.
Workaround: For OpenGL, set GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER and GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER to GL_NEAREST. For Metal, set the mag_filter and min_filter sampler properties to nearest in the shader source.
Fixed in beta 5
The Music app may stop responding when downloading an album.
Notification Center
The schedule and intended use of MARKDOWN_HASH2339c5e2c1b31dbe70863255ff4e4780MARKDOWN_HASH
is intended as a convenient home for all data/model update logic. If implemented, the system will call at opportune times for the widget to update its state, both when Notification Center is visible, as well as in the background. An implementation is required to enable background updates. It’s expected that the widget will perform the work to update asynchronously and off the main thread as much as possible. Widgets should call the argument block when the work is complete, passing the appropriate MARKDOWN_HASH5e3ef3a8307d02868792fe7fce1440a0MARKDOWN_HASH
. Widgets should NOT block returning from MARKDOWN_HASHccb1b53734ed32a08ab806ba2aa0be32MARKDOWN_HASH
on the results of this operation. Instead, widgets should load cached state inMARKDOWN_HASH2de53c1a80e409919892558ffea6671dMARKDOWN_HASH
in order to match the state of the view from the last MARKDOWN_HASH24d2419b8033dc4fd62ad355279af9b9MARKDOWN_HASH
, then transition smoothly to the new data when it arrives.
Beginning in iOS 8 beta 2, the MARKDOWN_HASH01eff6314d2cbdbabcbe503d2b7f96bcMARKDOWN_HASH
class provides a new “priority” property with three associated constants: MARKDOWN_HASHc44ec0a1dd4e62ff0ca3be633d20c769MARKDOWN_HASH
, and MARKDOWN_HASHf4b1c15ae87bd03c20629b33bf23929dMARKDOWN_HASH
. MARKDOWN_HASHe43ec4d582461cd1770da977a28afcdbMARKDOWN_HASH
priorities can be used to specify how multiple requests and responses to the same host should be prioritized. Note that the priority is a hint and not a strict guarantee of MARKDOWN_HASHe43ec4d582461cd1770da977a28afcdbMARKDOWN_HASH
For complete usage details of MARKDOWN_HASHe43ec4d582461cd1770da977a28afcdbMARKDOWN_HASH
priorities, refer to the MARKDOWN_HASHf11f83ad6ca9dac65a3e13ec31f675baMARKDOWN_HASH
header file, which is provided by the Foundation framework.
To activate Wi-Fi Calling functionality for T-Mobile (U.S. only), follow these steps:
Go to Settings > Phone > Wi-Fi Calling.
Toggle the Wi-Fi Calling switch to ON.
If the carrier does not have the user’s registered emergency address, you will be asked to add it before the feature is activated.
iCloud Photo Library requires beta 3 or later.
Back up your photo libraries before enabling iCloud Photo Library by:
Importing to your Mac using iPhoto
Importing to your Mac using Image Capture
Enabling iCloud Photo Library will not add photos/videos that have been synced with iTunes to the cloud.
iPhoto for iOS will not launch on iOS 8 Beta. Launching will migrate your iPhoto edits to the iOS 8 Photo Library. Make sure your iPhoto for iOS data is included in your device backup.
Known Issues
The ability to automatically optimize device space is not enabled in this beta.
When using iCloud Family, both iCloud Photos and My Photostream are enabled.
After restore from iCloud backup, modified photos may show unmodified thumbnails.
If you reach your iCloud quota, there is no way to add or delete data within the Photos app.
Known Issue
PDF files may not display in some applications.
Safari now blocks ads from automatically redirecting to the App Store without user interaction. If you still see the previous behavior, or find legitimate redirection to the App Store to be broken in some way, please file a bug.
You can now quickly add a site to Shared Links or save a bookmark by tapping and holding on the bookmarks button.
Known Issue
Some icons are missing in Settings and only appear after the row is tapped.
Known Issue
Updating the iCloud settings screen may appear to hang during setup.
Workaround: Some accounts may have an extra long lag. Wait a couple of minutes and they should complete.
Known Issue
Calling contacts with Siri is supported only on devices with the latest developer seed build. Prior developer seed builds no longer support this feature.
Fixed in beta 5
Some projects may launch in portrait when the destination device is in landscape.
Workaround: Rotate the device to portrait and back to landscape to continue in landscape.
Known Issue
Sometimes, loading certain pages or performing a search on the App Store or iTunes Store can be slow.
has a default value of YES forMARKDOWN_HASHcbd8bd780a0e600326ef7fad08bd2f44MARKDOWN_HASH
. This differs from the normalMARKDOWN_HASHd2de326beb65fda155908c2388bcda33MARKDOWN_HASH
default of NO. -
API have been removed. Please use theMARKDOWN_HASH922ae0c0c4d095695fd0dba6126a6c2eMARKDOWN_HASH
property instead.
Fixed in beta 5
When the width of a multiline label changes due to changes in the MARKDOWN_HASH922ae0c0c4d095695fd0dba6126a6c2eMARKDOWN_HASH
of some view, the intrinsic content size of the label is not invalidated when it should be. As a result the layout can unexpectedly truncate the label (or text view).
Workaround: The view whose MARKDOWN_HASH922ae0c0c4d095695fd0dba6126a6c2eMARKDOWN_HASH
are changing should override MARKDOWN_HASH6757fc5080fa7f8de7d7b8222ed20617MARKDOWN_HASH
and send MARKDOWN_HASHfc727fae0f2d099edd4f6922a4b5a857MARKDOWN_HASH
to the label.
Known Issue
To use an action sheet-style MARKDOWN_HASHb2687101ee05a40c51739427eea85d34MARKDOWN_HASH
on iPad, the sourceView of the alert controller’s popoverPresentationController must be set.
Wi-Fi Calling (T-Mobile US only)
The carrier name in the status bar will show “T-Mobile Wi-Fi” when the device is able to make and receive Wi-Fi Calls.
Subpixel rendering is now on by default for all web content. Websites or in-app web views with extremely tight design constraints may render differently. Solutions for each issue will vary, but use Web Inspector to adjust position, border thickness, and width or height of elements.
In iOS 8.0 beta 2 and later, CSS object model getters (offset{Left|Top|Width|Height} and client{Left|Top|Width|Height}) return fractional double values based on subpixel metrics instead of rounded integral values.
viewport property is no longer supported in iOS 8.
Known Issue
The MARKDOWN_HASHc510d5a3d97cb2f599576a56b2703434MARKDOWN_HASH
and MARKDOWN_HASH4260c01394765a497287987f27d6823aMARKDOWN_HASH
DOM properties always return 0. Other DOM properties will need to be used instead. This may affect websites that use leaf.js.