Apple anunta rezultatele financiare pentru primul trimestru fiscal al anului 2014

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La fel ca si oricare companie care se respecta si isi respecta toti investitorii, Apple anunta trimestrial rezultatele financiare, care sunt discutate de membrii echipei de conducere in cadrul unei teleconferinte ce poate fi ascultata gratuit de oricine. Pe data de intai a lunii curente, compania din Cupertino ne anunta ca astazi, 23 aprilie, va anunta rezultatele financiare si va organiza, la ora 24:00 (ora Romaniei), o teleconferinta in cadrul careia vor discuta realizarile directorul general al companiei, Tim Cook, impreuna cu directorul financiar-contabil, Peter Oppenheimer. Asa cum ni s-a promis, in la sfarsitul zilei de miercuri, Apple a trimis un comunicat de presa prin care anunta rezultatele financiare pe primul trimestru fiscal al anului 2014 (trimestrul fiscal doi in Statele Unite).

Potrivit comunicatului de presa trimis de compania americana, veniturile totale ale companiei pe primul trimestru al anului fiscal curent au fost de 45,6 miliarde de dolari, depasind asteptarile nu doar ale analistilor de pe Wall Street, cat si pe cele ale angajatiilor companiei (ghidajul pentru acest trimestru a fost de 42-44 miliarde de dolari). Profitul companiei pe trimestrul ianuarie-martie a fost de 10,9 miliarde de dolair sau 11,62$ per actiune. Marja bruta pentru acest trimestru a fost de 39,3 procente, fiind mai mare decat cele 37,5 procente inregistrate in acelasi trimestru al anului trecut. In comparatie, in aceeasi perioada a anului trecut, Apple a avut incasari de 43,6 miliarde de dolari si un profit net de 9,5 miliarde de dolari sau 10,09$ pe actiune.

In ceea ce priveste vanzarile de dispozitive, compania Apple raporteaza vanzarea a 43,7 milioane de dispozitive iPhone, 16,3 milioane de iPad-uri si 4,1 milioane de Mac-uri. In aceeasi perioada a anului trecut firma americana comercializa 37,4 milioane de dispozitive iPhone, 19,5 milioane de tablete iPad si mai putin de 4 milioane de Mac-uri. Observam ca vanzarile de iPhone au inregistrat o crestere importanta de la an la an, vanzarile de iPad o scadere destul de insemnata, iar Mac-urile o crestere mica. Toate cifrele prezentate acum de Apple depasesc previziunile analistilor de pe Wall Street, un lucru ce nu ne mai poate surprinde cu nimic.

Rezerva monetara a companiei Apple este de 150,6 miliarde de dolari, divizata in lichiditati si valori monetare vandabile. Compania din Cupertino se asteapta ca in trimestrul fiscal viitor sa aiba incasari cuprinse intre 36 de miliarde de dolari si 38 de miliarde de dolari, o marja bruta intre 37 si 38 de procente, costuri de operatiuni cuperinse intre 4,4 miliarde $ si 4,5 miliarde $ si alte cheltuieli sau incasari de 200 de milioane $.

[quote_box_center]Apple® today announced financial results for its fiscal 2014 second quarter ended March 29, 2014. The Company posted quarterly revenue of $45.6 billion and quarterly net profit of $10.2 billion, or $11.62 per diluted share. These results compare to revenue of $43.6 billion and net profit of $9.5 billion, or $10.09 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. Gross margin was 39.3 percent compared to 37.5 percent in the year-ago quarter. International sales accounted for 66 percent of the quarter’s revenue.


“We generated $13.5 billion in cash flow from operations and returned almost $21 billion in cash to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases during the March quarter”

“We’re very proud of our quarterly results, especially our strong iPhone sales and record revenue from services,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “We’re eagerly looking forward to introducing more new products and services that only Apple could bring to market.”

“We generated $13.5 billion in cash flow from operations and returned almost $21 billion in cash to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases during the March quarter,” said Peter Oppenheimer, Apple’s CFO. “That brings cumulative payments under our capital return program to $66 billion.”

Apple is providing the following guidance for its fiscal 2014 third quarter:

• revenue between $36 billion and $38 billion

• gross margin between 37 percent and 38 percent

• operating expenses between $4.4 billion and $4.5 billion

• other income/(expense) of $200 million

• tax rate of 26.1 percent

Apple will provide live streaming of its Q2 2014 financial results conference call beginning at 2:00 p.m. PDT on April 23, 2014 This webcast will also be available for replay for approximately two weeks thereafter.

This press release contains forward-looking statements including without limitation those about the Company’s estimated revenue, gross margin, operating expenses, other income/(expense), and tax rate. These statements involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ. Risks and uncertainties include without limitation the effect of competitive and economic factors, and the Company’s reaction to those factors, on consumer and business buying decisions with respect to the Company’s products; continued competitive pressures in the marketplace; the ability of the Company to deliver to the marketplace and stimulate customer demand for new programs, products, and technological innovations on a timely basis; the effect that product introductions and transitions, changes in product pricing or mix, and/or increases in component costs could have on the Company’s gross margin; the inventory risk associated with the Company’s need to order or commit to order product components in advance of customer orders; the continued availability on acceptable terms, or at all, of certain components and services essential to the Company’s business currently obtained by the Company from sole or limited sources; the effect that the Company’s dependency on manufacturing and logistics services provided by third parties may have on the quality, quantity or cost of products manufactured or services rendered; risks associated with the Company’s international operations; the Company’s reliance on third-party intellectual property and digital content; the potential impact of a finding that the Company has infringed on the intellectual property rights of others; the Company’s dependency on the performance of distributors, carriers and other resellers of the Company’s products; the effect that product and service quality problems could have on the Company’s sales and operating profits; the continued service and availability of key executives and employees; war, terrorism, public health issues, natural disasters, and other circumstances that could disrupt supply, delivery, or demand of products; and unfavorable results of other legal proceedings. More information on potential factors that could affect the Company’s financial results is included from time to time in the “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections of the Company’s public reports filed with the SEC, including the Company’s Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 28, 2013, its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended December 28, 2013, and its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 29, 2014 to be filed with the SEC. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or information, which speak as of their respective dates.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.

NOTE TO EDITORS: For additional information visit Apple’s PR website (, or call Apple’s Media Helpline at (408) 974-2042.

© 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, Mac OS and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.


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Alex Popa
Alex Popa
Redactor-șef și fondatorul


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