Actualizare: Asa cum ni s-a spus inca de ieri, Mac Pro a fost pus in vanzare de catre Apple in toate magazinele sale online din intreaga lume. Mac Pro este disponibil in doua modele, unul cu 4 si unul cu 8 nuclee, la pretul de 2.999 €, respectiv 3.999 €, utilizatorii avand posibilitatea de a plati pentru a imbunatati aproape toate componentele hardware. Chiar daca produsul este disponibil in magazinele online ale Apple, livrarea acestuia se va face abia in luna ianuarie, deci daca sperati sa aveti produsul inainte de Anul Nou, vestile nu sunt tocmai bune. In Romania niciun reseller autorizat nu a anuntat inca lansarea noului Mac Pro in magazinul sau, dar probabil ca o vor face abia la sfarsitul lunii ianuarie sau chiar in luna februarie.
Anuntata inca din vara acestui an la WWDC 2013, cea mai noua generatie de Mac Pro va ajunge in magazinele Apple incepand de maine, 19 decembrie, conform unui comunicat de presa trimis de compania din Cupertino in urma cu cateva minue. Noul Mac Pro se remarca printr-un design complet refacut atat in ceea ce priveste interiorul computerului cat si exteriorul, acesta fiind mult mai mic in dimensiuni decat generatia anterioara a acestui model de computer. Mac Pro 2013 vine cu un procesor Intel Xeon, de ultima generatie, cu dual GPU de clasa statii de lucru, cu stocare flash PCIe si cu memorie ultra-rapida ECC. Procesoarele noului Mac au intre 4 si 12 nuclee care ruleaza cu Turbo Boost la viteze de pana la 3,9 GHz. Mac Pro 2013 are capacitatea de a executa simultan 3 fluxuri video la rezolutii 4K, un lucru intalnit in premiera pe un computer. Pretul de pornire alcelui mai puternic computer comercializat de catre Apple va fi de 2,999 €, putand creste pana la suma de aproximativ 10,000 €, in cazul in care sunt adaugate toate optionalele oferite de compania americana.
- Citeste mai multe despre Mac Pro 2013: Apple prezinta noul Mac Pro generatia 2013 – hardware incredibil intr-o carcasa compacta si un pret pe masura
Mac Pro 2013 este asamblat in Statele Unite, conform Apple, un lucru neintalnit in cazul predecesorilor sai. Apple a prezentat versiunea finala a Mac Pro in toamna, in cadrul conferintei de prezentare a iPad Air, mentionand pe atunci ca va fi disponibil in luna decembrie in magazinele sale. Ca de obicei, Apple s-a tinut de cuvant, introducand produsul destinat mai ales profesionistilor din diferite domenii, pe 19 decembrie, intr-o perioada numai buna.
Cititi mai multe in comunicatul de presa trimis de catre Apple astazi:
All New Mac Pro Available Starting Tomorrow
CUPERTINO, California―December 18, 2013―Apple® today announced the all-new Mac Pro® will be available to order starting Thursday, December 19. Redesigned from the inside out, the all-new Mac Pro features the latest Intel Xeon processors, dual workstation-class GPUs, PCIe-based flash storage and ultra-fast ECC memory.
Designed around an innovative unified thermal core, the all-new Mac Pro packs unprecedented performance into an aluminum enclosure that is just 9.9-inches tall and one-eighth the volume of the previous generation. Mac Pro features 4-core, 6-core, 8-core or 12-core Intel Xeon processors running at Turbo Boost speeds up to 3.9 GHz and two workstation-class AMD FirePro GPUs that deliver up to eight times the graphics performance of the previous generation Mac Pro.* PCIe-based flash storage delivers sequential read speeds up to 10 times faster than conventional desktop hard drives, and ECC DDR3 gives the new Mac Pro up to 60GBps of memory bandwidth for seamlessly editing full-resolution 4K video while simultaneously rendering effects in the background. With an incredible six Thunderbolt 2 ports, each with up to 20Gbps of bandwidth per device, the new Mac Pro completely redefines desktop expandability with support for up to 36 high-performance peripherals, including the latest 4K displays.
Pricing & Availability
The Mac Pro is available with a 3.7 GHz quad-core Intel Xeon E5 processor with Turbo Boost speeds up to 3.9 GHz, dual AMD FirePro D300 GPUs with 2GB of VRAM each, 12GB of memory, and 256GB of PCIe-based flash storage starting at $2,999 (US); and with a 3.5 GHz 6-core Intel Xeon E5 processor with Turbo Boost speeds up to 3.9 GHz, dual AMD FirePro D500 GPUs with 3GB of VRAM each, 16GB of memory, and 256GB of PCIe-based flash storage starting at $3,999 (US). Configure-to-order options include faster 8-core or 12-core Intel Xeon E5 processors, AMD FirePro D700 GPUs with 6GB of VRAM, up to 64GB of memory, and up to 1TB of PCIe-based flash storage. Additional technical specifications, configure-to-order options and accessories are available online at all-new Mac Pro will be available to order starting Thursday, December 19 through theApple Online Store (, Apple’s retail stores and select Apple Authorized Resellers.
*Testing conducted by Apple in October 2013 using preproduction Mac Pro 12-core 2.7 GHz units with 1TB flash storage and AMD FirePro D700 graphics, and shipping Mac Pro 12-core 3.06 GHz units with 512GB SSD and ATI Radeon HD 5870 graphics.
Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.
Sursa: Apple