Iata intreaga lista cu notite publicata de catre Apple impreuna cu iOS 7.1 beta 1

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iOS 7.1 dev center

In cursul acestei seri, compania Apple a lansat iOS 7.1 beta 1 pentru toti dezvoltatorii de aplicatii inregistrati in Apple Developer Center. Compania Apple nu a facut niciun anunt inainte de a publica iOS 7.1 beta 1, iar pana in momentul de fata sunt neclare schimbarile facute in noul iOS 7.1. Asa cum obisnuieste sa faca in cazul fiecarei versiuni beta a iOS sau OS X pe care o publica in Developer Center, Apple a trimis notitele lansarii in care ne mentioneaza problemele cunoscute pana la momentul lansarii, precum si corecturile facute. Intr-un articol separat, vom mentiona toate modificarile de design facute de companie in noua versiune a iOS.

Update: Iata ce modificari de design si noutati aduce iOS 7.1 beta 1:

Intreaga lista cu probleme cunoscute si corectari de probleme din iOS 7 trimisa de catre Apple in aceasta seara este disponibila mai jos:

iOS 7.1 Release Notes

iOS SDK 7.1 provides support for developing iOS apps, and it includes the complete set of Xcode tools, compilers, and frameworks for creating apps for iOS and OS X. These tools include the Xcode IDE and the Instruments analysis tool, among many others.

With this software you can develop apps for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 7. You can also test your apps using the included iOS Simulator, which supports iOS 7. iOS SDK 7.1 requires a Mac computer running OS X v10.8.4 (Mountain Lion) or later.

This version of iOS is intended for installation only on devices registered with the Apple Developer Program. Attempting to install this version of iOS in an unauthorized manner could put your device in an unusable state.

For more information and additional support resources, visit http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/.

Bug Reporting

To report any bugs not mentioned in the Notes and Known Issues section, use the Apple Bug Reporter on the Apple Developer website (http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/). Additionally, you may discuss these issues and iOS SDK 7.1 in the Apple Developer Forums: http://devforums.apple.com. To get more information about iCloud for Developers, go to http://developer.apple.com/icloud.

Notes and Known Issues

The following issues relate to using iOS SDK 7.1 to develop code.


Known Issue

32-bit apps running on a 64-bit device cannot attach to BTServer.


Fixed in iOS 7.1 beta

Previously, if the server-side closed an HTTP request with TCP FIN without sending any bytes of HTTP header or HTTP body, NSURLConnection would synthesize an empty HTTP/1.1 200 OK response. This is now fixed, and the request will result in an error instead of a successful load with a synthesized response.


A new compatibility behavior has been added to address an issue where some web servers would send the wrong Content-Length value for “Content-Encoding: gzip” content. Previously, NSURLConnection and NSURLSession would send a “network connection was lost” / NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost (-1005) error in this situation.

The compatibility behavior applies only if the Content-Length value exactly matches the expanded gzip’d content. It won’t apply for “off by 1” or similar miscounting.

Core Text

Fixed in iOS 7.1 beta

Previously, text drawn with CTFrameDraw did not correctly place lines to account for the paragraphSpacing attribute of NSParagraphStyle. This has been addressed in iOS 7.1 beta.

Crash Logs

Known Issue

Crash logs will not appear in Diagnostics & Usage Data in Settings. The logs will still be available when synced off the device.


Fixed in iOS 7.1 beta

If loaded with GLKTextureLoader, pngcrush images that have alpha were not unpremultiplied.

High Precision Timers

Fixed in iOS 7.1 beta

When sleeping or waiting for extremely precise time intervals, timers were delayed by up to 1 millisecond.


Known Issue

Loading an iTunes Match library (or your purchased music history) may take much longer than expected, especially on larger libraries. If your library does not sync right away, please wait 30 minutes and try to access it again.

Multipeer Connectivity

Fixed in iOS 7.1 beta

The MCSessioninitWithPeer: method has now been implemented properly.

For more information on MCSession APIs, watch WWDC 2013: Nearby Networking with Multipeer Connectivity.


Known Issues

If a UITextField or a UILabel that is baseline aligned with constraints has attributes that change after the constraints have been added, the layout may be incorrect. The exception to this is -setFont: on UILabel, which should work as expected.

Workaround: Avoid making changes in UITextField or UILabel after adding baseline-alignment constraints. If you must make changes, you should remove the constraints and then reapply them afterward. Note that this is a performance hit, so don’t do it unless it is necessary.

The backIndicatorTransitionMask from a storyboard or a xib will not be interpreted correctly at runtime.

Workaround: Set the backIndicatorTransitionMask in code.
Read more at http://9to5mac.com/2013/11/18/apple-releases-ios-7-1-beta-to-developers-now-on-dev-center/#45pIIbDuzSAecXv8.99

- Publicitate -
Alex Popa
Alex Popahttps://itutorial.ro
Redactor-șef și fondatorul iTutorial.ro.


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