In cursul noptii trecute, Apple a anuntat ca evenimentul anual a carui durata este de o luna de zile, iTunes Festival, va avea loc in luna septembrie la Londra. La fel ca si anul trecut, cele 30 de nopti de concerte live vor fi sustinute in cladirea Roundhouse din Londra. Apple nu a anuntat inca intregul calendar si nici numele tuturor celor 60 de artisti care vor concerta in celebrul loc. Oricum nume precum Justin Timberlake, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Jack Johnson si Jessie J. au fost devoalate de catre Apple, iar pana in luna septembrie vom afla si numele altor astfel de artisti care au milioane de fani. Biletele pentru acest concert pot fi castigate printr-un sistem de loterie disponibil in unele iTunes Store-uri, dar si prin intermediul partenerilor media din SUA, Australia, Brazilia, Canada, Europa, Japonia si Mexic care vor oferi tichete celor care vor castiga anumite concursuri. Totodata, cele 30 de zile de concerte vor fi difuzate in direct prin aplicatia pentru iOS, prin iTunes pe computer si prin intermediul unei aplicatii speciale pe Apple TV. Totodata, utilizatorii vor putea sa cumpere albume speciale cu melodiile cantate in direct pe scena iTunes Festival din iTunes Store.
Editiile 2007-2011 ale iTunes Festival aveau loc in luna iulie, dar incepand de anul trecut, Apple a decis sa le mute in luna septembrie si a decis sa pastreze traditia si pentru 2013. Mai multe detalii despre intregul concert si despre orar vor fi transmise in saptamanile si lunile ce urmeaza.
Intregul comunicat de presa transmis de catre Apple este disponibil mai jos:
Sursa: AppleJustin Timberlake, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Jack Johnson, Jessie J & Many More Fan Favorites to Headline iTunes Festival in London
LONDON―May 30, 2013―Apple® today announced that global superstars including Justin Timberlake, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Jack Johnson and Jessie J are among the headliners at this year’s iTunes® Festival in London. Running every night in September at the Roundhouse, the iTunes Festival features over 60 acts performing at the legendary venue. Performances can be watched live or on-demand by millions of iOS users around the world on their iPhone®, iPad® or iPod touch®, as well as by music fans with iTunes on their computer or in stunning HD with Apple TV®. Tickets are free for competition winners only.
“This year’s iTunes Festival is the best ever with an incredible lineup of global superstars and stellar emerging artists,” said Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of Internet Software and Services. “Music fans around the world are going to love watching this incredible month of music, whether in London at the Roundhouse or on their iOS device. We’re honored so many renowned artists are part of this year’s lineup.”
Music fans from across the world, including the US, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, Japan and Mexico can win tickets to the iTunes Festival through competitions run by local media partners. In the UK, fans can win tickets using the iTunes Festival app and the iTunes Store® as well as select media partners including Channel 4, Global Radio and Metro.
Sir Paul McCartney, Amy Winehouse and Crowded House played the first iTunes Festival at London’s Institute of Contemporary Arts in 2007. Since then over 370 artists have performed in front of more than 370,000 fans and tens of millions more online and on television. Other performers have included Adele, Coldplay, Foo Fighters, Alicia Keys, Paul Simon, Jack White and Oasis. Performances are available for purchase and download on the iTunes Store.
Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.