Compania Apple a publicat luni seara pe portalul dedicat dezvoltatorilor de aplicații pentru iOS cea de-a cincea versiune a iOS 8.2. Actualizarea vine la două săptămâni distanță de lansarea iOS 8.2 beta 4 și la aproximativ trei luni distanță de prima versiune beta a acestei actualizări. La fel ca și versiunile precedente, iOS 8.2 beta 5 este adresat dispozitivelor iPhone 4s (sau mai recente), iPad 2 (sau mai recente) și iPod touch generația a cincea, însă build-ul său este 12D5480a.

Noua versiune a iOS este disponibilă pentru descărcare și recomandată tuturor dezvoltatorilor de aplicații înregistrați pe Apple Developer Center. iOS 8.2 beta 5 conține corecturi de probleme și îmbunătățiri în privința performanțelor, dar și alte mici modificări pe care le vom menționa pe măsură ce vor fi descoperite.

Dezvoltatorii de aplicații pot efectua actualizarea la iOS 8.2 beta 5 direct de pe propriile dispozitive iPhone, iPad sau iPod touch înregistrate în conturile lor accesând Configurări>General>Actualizare software. De asemenea, actualizarea poate fi efectuată și prin intermediul iTunes. Recomandarea noastră rămâne să descărcați iOS 8.2 beta 5 doar dacă sunteți dezvoltator de aplicații ori dacă aveți dispozitivul înregistrat în contul unui dezvoltator.

iOS 8.2 include SDK-ul WatchKit ce permite dezvoltatorilor să creeze aplicații, Glance-uri și notificări speciale pentru viitorul Apple Watch pe care gigantul din Cupertino îl va lansa în luna aprilie a acestui an. Data lansării versiunii finale a iOS 8.2 rămâne, din păcate, incertă.

Alături de iOS 8.2 beta 5, compania Apple a mai publicat în această seară cea de-a cincea versiune beta a Xcode 6.2 pe care o oferă dezvoltatorilor în special pentru WatchKit.

iOS 8.2 beta 5 – iată tot ce aduce nou


iOS SDK Release Notes for iOS 8.2 Beta 5


iOS SDK 8.2 provides support for developing iOS apps. The SDK is packaged with a complete set of tools, compilers, and frameworks for creating apps for iOS and OS X. The tools include the Xcode IDE and the Instruments analysis tool, among many others.

With this software, you can develop apps for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 8. It now includes WatchKit, a framework for developing Apple Watch apps. You can test your apps using the included iOS Simulator.

iOS SDK 8.2 requires a Mac computer running OS X v10.9.3 (Mavericks) or later.

This version of iOS is intended for installation only on devices registered with the Apple Developer Program. Attempting to install this version of iOS in an unauthorized manner could put your device in an unusable state.

For more information and additional support resources, visit

Bug Reporting

For issues not mentioned in the Notes and Known Issues section, please file bugs through the Apple Developer website ( Additionally, you may discuss these issues and iOS SDK 8.2 in the Apple Developer Forums: To get more information about iCloud for Developers, go to

Notes and Known Issues

The following issues relate to using iOS SDK 8.2 to develop code.

App Extensions


  • App extensions need an arm64 slice to run on 64-bit devices. If you try to run the armv7 slice on a 64-bit device it won’t work.

  • Apps need to have an arm64 slice if the bundle contains a framework that both the app and the app extension link against.


Fixed in beta 5

3rd party calendar sync does not work in this beta.



A single MARKDOWN_HASHbac3da292a3ab3115dd77ddffe29deecMARKDOWN_HASH instance can no longer be set as a value on multiple MARKDOWN_HASH42352fabbf8b61833613505e145261afMARKDOWN_HASH objects.

Document Providers


  • Your app needs the iCloud entitlement to be able to be used as a document provider.

  • The MARKDOWN_HASH00f35e65c39cb6ab99885ed1c66c5211MARKDOWN_HASH entitlement is required.

Known Issues

  • After rotating the document picker to landscape, the status bar is hidden.

  • Upon bringing up the document picker in landscape, the containing view may be shifted beneath the navigation bar.

File System


The file system layout of app containers has changed on disk. Rather than relying on hard-coded directory structure, use the MARKDOWN_HASH69b175d1346e3b1bbcffa76d2698789cMARKDOWN_HASH function or the MARKDOWN_HASH3d5682a582e583b01341ba19be0b2257MARKDOWN_HASH method of the MARKDOWN_HASH7a15e5de48738da5105f900a84fb0449MARKDOWN_HASHclass. See Accessing Files and Directories in File System Programming Guide.



The Thai system font has increased in size to improve readability. This will cause clipping in many places in your UI if you don’t take appropriate action:

  1. Use MARKDOWN_HASH1918b98ebabb17db4cc1f0879b128aa4MARKDOWN_HASH as much as possible. If you use Interface Builder, make sure that Clip Subviews is not checked. UIKit will grow the clipping region as necessary to not clip text.

  2. Use Dynamic Type. This will ensure that you do not have overlapping glyphs in multiline labels or text fields.

If you can’t do 1 and 2 because you implement your own views, you must implement measures not to clip. You can use CoreText to figure out the appropriate clipping region for a line of text by calling:

CTLineGetBoundsWithOptions(lineRef, kCTLineBoundsIncludeLanguageExtents);

To avoid overlapping glyphs in multiline text elements, adjust the line height. An additional 30% is recommended.

This measure will also help your app perform better in other languages, including Arabic, Hindi, and Vietnamese.



MARKDOWN_HASH09ab3f63adc5fa1d0777fa88bd2bf4e8MARKDOWN_HASH has been renamed MARKDOWN_HASHbcea78dbf096c7ffbec6119051deff0bMARKDOWN_HASH.

Known Issue

Some information encoded using moles in previous releases may not be be decoded correctly with this beta.



Mail handoff and AirDrop may stop working after changing your iCloud password at

Workaround: Sign out and back into iCloud on the device.

iCloud Drive


MARKDOWN_HASH7b3e86d4c7dbd733bf433f3310d2967fMARKDOWN_HASH might return MARKDOWN_HASH852438d026c018c4307b916406f98c62MARKDOWN_HASH when running your application in Xcode. If so, open System Preferences, navigate to iCloud > iCloud Drive, and enable Xcode.


Fixed in beta 5

Music playback from iTunes in the Cloud does not work in this beta.

Notification Center


The schedule and intended use of MARKDOWN_HASH18b6cd7afad4dace652a693aee7d7d9bMARKDOWN_HASH is as a convenient home for all data/model update logic. If implemented, the system will call at opportune times for the widget to update its state, both when Notification Center is visible, as well as in the background. An implementation is required to enable background updates. It’s expected that the widget will perform the work to update asynchronously and off the main thread as much as possible. Widgets should call the argument block when the work is complete, passing the appropriate MARKDOWN_HASH5e3ef3a8307d02868792fe7fce1440a0MARKDOWN_HASH. Widgets should NOT block returning from MARKDOWN_HASH02a4c8da6c9258992c7ffd2bd3f578eeMARKDOWN_HASH on the results of this operation. Instead, widgets should load cached state in MARKDOWN_HASH02a4c8da6c9258992c7ffd2bd3f578eeMARKDOWN_HASH in order to match the state of the view from the last MARKDOWN_HASHfc021d35bb0e1df5c5a7c875ec3a3572MARKDOWN_HASH, then transition smoothly to the new data when it arrives.



The MARKDOWN_HASH4d14b1f965b503b85da635a7f0b5760fMARKDOWN_HASH class provides a new “priority” property with three associated constants: MARKDOWN_HASHc44ec0a1dd4e62ff0ca3be633d20c769MARKDOWN_HASHMARKDOWN_HASH6e0af54bc2f033640108dbb32b390d5cMARKDOWN_HASH, and MARKDOWN_HASHf4b1c15ae87bd03c20629b33bf23929dMARKDOWN_HASHMARKDOWN_HASHe43ec4d582461cd1770da977a28afcdbMARKDOWN_HASH priorities can be used to specify how multiple requests and responses to the same host should be prioritized. Note that the priority is a hint and not a strict guarantee of MARKDOWN_HASHe43ec4d582461cd1770da977a28afcdbMARKDOWN_HASH performance.

For complete usage details of MARKDOWN_HASHe43ec4d582461cd1770da977a28afcdbMARKDOWN_HASH priorities, refer to the MARKDOWN_HASHf11f83ad6ca9dac65a3e13ec31f675baMARKDOWN_HASH header file, which is provided by the Foundation framework.



To activate Wi-Fi Calling functionality for T-Mobile (U.S. only), follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings > Phone > Wi-Fi Calling.

  • Toggle the Wi-Fi Calling switch to ON.

  • If the carrier does not have the user’s registered emergency address, you will be asked to add it before the feature is activated.



  • Maintain a backup of your photo library before enabling and while using iCloud Photo Library beta by:

    • Importing to your Mac using iPhoto

    • Importing to your Mac using Image Capture

  • iCloud Photo Library beta will not download photos and videos that were synced to your device from iTunes. Any photos and videos synced to your device from iTunes will be removed when you enable iCloud Photo Library beta.

  • iPhoto for iOS will not launch on iOS 8 beta. Launching will migrate your iPhoto edits to the iOS 8 Photo Library. Make sure your iPhoto for iOS data is included in your device backup.

  • The ability to automatically optimize device space is enabled for all accounts larger than 5GB.

  • When using iCloud Family Sharing, both iCloud Photo Sharing and My Photo Stream are enabled.



  • MARKDOWN_HASH1918b98ebabb17db4cc1f0879b128aa4MARKDOWN_HASH has a default value of YES for MARKDOWN_HASH1a5e09bcdb073af26132b8db4547de27MARKDOWN_HASH. This differs from the normal MARKDOWN_HASHc72be09f2cdc5c55a1e77ddaafc42b51MARKDOWN_HASH default of NO.

  • The MARKDOWN_HASH72a9fb05b5d7d628d955cd98c55b0bacMARKDOWN_HASH and MARKDOWN_HASHabf8af6bfa5b2308f92c815d30a7ab13MARKDOWN_HASH APIs have been removed. Please use the MARKDOWN_HASH6e7983cf7ec00c56fa6b0aac41ffc757MARKDOWN_HASH property instead.



  • Settings bundles are now supported for WatchKit extensions running in iOS Simulator. The Apple Watch app displays the controls you specify in your settings bundle. To learn how to create a settings bundle for your WatchKit extension, see Settings in Apple Watch Programming Guide.

  • MARKDOWN_HASHb3c60d68f4bb8c7565ba511c15503380MARKDOWN_HASH now has MARKDOWN_HASH5e88db53930f3b739f2c3f3cc71e6d2bMARKDOWN_HASH and MARKDOWN_HASH8299003352a4998aefc2b92b0ee40802MARKDOWN_HASH methods.

  • MARKDOWN_HASHeba90c7dfea519a1d71e8b9873e31494MARKDOWN_HASH now has an MARKDOWN_HASH72dc056a3b03dceef2e3f6e3e729449cMARKDOWN_HASH method that may be called to clear out any user activity state previously set.

  • MARKDOWN_HASH34a0163ba9ae0a74ffd88f4ff9b675b7MARKDOWN_HASH and MARKDOWN_HASHbee83f6d18805460ca284b62d479e0c8MARKDOWN_HASH allow setting a negative duration for playback. A negative duration causes the animation to play back in reverse, starting from the end of the range and ending at the beginning.

  • The MARKDOWN_HASHeba90c7dfea519a1d71e8b9873e31494MARKDOWN_HASH method MARKDOWN_HASH685e29624d4a125fd8ab48698f50f8bbMARKDOWN_HASH has been deprecated. Please use MARKDOWN_HASHa8dc077f329c1d201c3c637f580137fbMARKDOWN_HASHinstead.

  • The MARKDOWN_HASH8d8fc2c99397f2b72c662d790873d756MARKDOWN_HASH API has changed. Specifically, MARKDOWN_HASHee5c9a2c6b8b8cfe8b0c12443c685c60MARKDOWN_HASH and MARKDOWN_HASHfb146827af6faaabfc4f1ba531bf97fcMARKDOWN_HASH have been replaced by MARKDOWN_HASH0c419907b7fe33552dd29fbbdf49a5faMARKDOWN_HASH and MARKDOWN_HASHb4673169c56e1c0220c5a0189345783dMARKDOWN_HASHrespectively.

  • The MARKDOWN_HASHa3839e70a76ed3573ca9c8873b64e506MARKDOWN_HASH method MARKDOWN_HASH438b12f01887cad67013bb6d0be06829MARKDOWN_HASH has been deprecated. Please use MARKDOWN_HASH9d49a3f7ec8e12a20ef2496b6760f464MARKDOWN_HASH instead. The designated initializer for MARKDOWN_HASHa3839e70a76ed3573ca9c8873b64e506MARKDOWN_HASH is now MARKDOWN_HASHc475067449db82e5330bf3f703fbce2eMARKDOWN_HASH.

  • The MARKDOWN_HASH6ba253ba1c00724065e8251855627375MARKDOWN_HASH API has changed. Specifically, MARKDOWN_HASHe93a270e8949219315f085e01785b03fMARKDOWN_HASH and MARKDOWN_HASHdca9bdd17a5f28ba802caaaa5709e613MARKDOWN_HASH now return MARKDOWN_HASHa97b2c144243b2b9d2c593ec268b62f5MARKDOWN_HASH to indicate the success or failure of adding an image to the cache. Note that these methods return NO if the cache size has reached its limit. Delete images from the cache by calling MARKDOWN_HASH23e399dfb0c2fb90ea9d0e7835b6d3e0MARKDOWN_HASH or MARKDOWN_HASHba94c4aba030cdfedcbb0bd663c81f2fMARKDOWN_HASH.

  • A page-based WatchKit app can dynamically resequence the pages at the root level using MARKDOWN_HASH6999c05630010a8482c15dc5e259fc53MARKDOWN_HASH.

  • Rows in a MARKDOWN_HASHffc2cdff6d99096783fc197102926758MARKDOWN_HASH now have a default appearance. This appearance can be overridden by specifying the values for background color, margin, corner radius, and height for the row in Interface Builder.

  • The method MARKDOWN_HASH462eb09350b4eaf69bca2e2ee17682d3MARKDOWN_HASH on MARKDOWN_HASHf92cbad63c10519b54dc93637ea711ffMARKDOWN_HASH has changed to MARKDOWN_HASH82c2ad1d046c77f5430f123b2f2882feMARKDOWN_HASH.

Known Issues

  • Calling the MARKDOWN_HASHeba90c7dfea519a1d71e8b9873e31494MARKDOWN_HASH method MARKDOWN_HASHf2da07a9765e5a11eae43b85a55fd2faMARKDOWN_HASH multiple times without waiting for a return from the first call will fail the first time and may cause multiple replies to be delivered to the wrong reply handler.

    Workaround: Wait for a reply before calling MARKDOWN_HASHf2da07a9765e5a11eae43b85a55fd2faMARKDOWN_HASH again.

  • Creating an animated image using the MARKDOWN_HASH4d024039afecbb45cc5f9c9054a9186dMARKDOWN_HASH method MARKDOWN_HASH3579111b538320829dd9f7e5e9a5649bMARKDOWN_HASH and then playing the animation using MARKDOWN_HASH48841b821526e2e9614b0397c8e21bc3MARKDOWN_HASH ignores the duration and plays back as fast as possible.

    Workaround: Use MARKDOWN_HASH6c801d80f9414b01e21d9a3c517272ccMARKDOWN_HASH instead.

  • Inserting, deleting, or updating rows of a MARKDOWN_HASHffc2cdff6d99096783fc197102926758MARKDOWN_HASH may cause the table to temporarily size incorrectly. Scrolling your interface controller should restore the table to the proper size.

  • MARKDOWN_HASHfa4098ed598306bf5754363dd46b6bdbMARKDOWN_HASH API calls will always give a -909 Autofill disabled error.

  • MARKDOWN_HASHb3c60d68f4bb8c7565ba511c15503380MARKDOWN_HASH does not reflect the color you set using MARKDOWN_HASHf7c2d519c4080191c7e8b01778c74f32MARKDOWN_HASH.

Wi-Fi Calling (T-Mobile US only)


The carrier name in the status bar will show “T-Mobile Wi-Fi” when the device is able to make and receive Wi-Fi calls.



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