In cursul noptii trecute App Store-ul a inregistrat un nou record in ceea ce priveste numarul de descarcari ajungand la 50 miliarde de descarcari de la lansarea sa si pana acum. Apple a promis ca va oferi un iTunes Gift Card in valoare de 10,000 $ celui care va descarca aplicatia care marcheaza descarcarea cu numarul 50 de miliarde. Astazi, cei din Cupertino au anuntat numele castigatorului si alte cateva date interesante despre App Store. Cel care a castigat Cardul Cadou App Store in valoare de 10,000 $ este americanul Brandon Ashmore originar din Mentor, Ohio, acesta descarcand aplicatia Say the Same Thing in cel mai potrivit moment. Cu ajutorul acestui card cadou americanul va putea descarca mii de aplicatii platite din App Store, partea si mai interesanta fiind ca aplicatia descarcata de Brandon este una gratuita la fel ca si cea care a marcat descarcarea cu numarul 25 de miliarde anul trecut. Totodata, Apple le va oferi si urmatorilor 50 de utilizatori care au descarcat aplicatii cate un Card Cadou in valoarde de 500 $.
In fiecare secunda sunt descarcate mai mult de 800 de aplicatii, iar media lunara este de peste 2 miliarde de aplicatii descarcate. App Store-ul a fost deschis in iulie 2008 si in mai putin de 5 ani cei de la Apple au reusit sa atinga un record absolut de descarcari. Trebuie mentionat faptul ca numarul 50 de miliarde se refera numai la descarcarile unice si nu include update-urile sau redescarcarile facute din acelasi cont. Daca in 2008 App Store-ul era deschis de catre Apple cu 500 de aplicatii in el, astazi ne ofera peste 850,000 aplicatii pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod touch, dintre ele peste 350,000 fiind disponibile si pe iPad. Numarul de aplicatii este un alt record al Apple mai ales daca ne gandim la rigurozitatea cu care cei din Cupertino aproba aplicatiile in magazinul lor.
Intregul comunicat de presa transmis de catre Apple in urma cu cateva minute este listat mai jos:
Sursa: AppleApple’s App Store Marks Historic 50 Billionth Download
CUPERTINO, California―May 16, 2013―Apple® today announced that customers have downloaded over 50 billion apps* from the revolutionary App Store℠. Customers are downloading more than 800 apps per second at a rate of over two billion apps per month on the App Store. The 50 billionth app was Say the Same Thing by Space Inch, LLC, which was downloaded by Brandon Ashmore from Mentor, Ohio who received a $10,000 App Store Gift Card to commemorate this historic milestone.
“Apple would like to thank our incredible customers and developers for topping 50 billion apps downloaded,” said Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of Internet Software and Services. “The App Store completely transformed how people use their mobile devices and created a thriving app ecosystem that has paid out over nine billion dollars to developers. We’re absolutely floored to cross this milestone in less than five years.”
The App Store opened in July 2008 with 500 apps. Since its introduction, Apple’s incredible developer community has created an app for doing almost everything imaginable on an iPhone®, iPad® and iPod touch®.
“We were blown away with our success on the App Store back in 2008,” said Rich Riley, CEO of Shazam. “And almost five years later we continue to be amazed with how much people love using Shazam on their iPhone or iPad. With the App Store, we can effortlessly provide users with updates that give them great new features while making it easy for new users to discover and download Shazam for themselves.”
“We started our company in 2008 as three friends focused on creating great educational apps for our children,” said Caroline Hu Flexer, co-founder of Duck Duck Moose. “The App Store brought ‘Wheels on the Bus’ to the world in a big way. Sixteen apps later, a fan base of millions of parents, children and educators and a growing company with 20 full-time employees, we couldn’t be happier with our success.”
“The App Store has been integral in getting us into the hands of millions of iOS users and has transformed our business,” said Elizabeth Francis, Chief Marketing Officer of “Our apps allow our members to access their favorite sales on Gilt every day, anytime, anywhere. App Store customers have proven to be a loyal shopper base and have been influential in making Gilt the globally recognized brand it is today.”
The revolutionary App Store offers more than 850,000 apps to iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users in 155 countries around the world, with more than 350,000 native iPad apps available. App Store customers can choose from an incredible range of apps in 23 categories, including newspapers and magazines offered in Newsstand, games, business, news, sports, health & fitness and travel.
*50 billion unique downloads excluding re-downloads and updates.
Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.