Apple a anunțat in cursul nopții trecute rezultatele financiare pentru primul trimestru fiscal al 2013. Așa cum era de așteptat cei din Cupertino au anunțat noi recorduri de vânzări. Trebuie menționat faptul ca Apple a lansat in acest trimestru terminalele iPhone 5, iPod touch 5, iPod nano 7, iPad mini, iPad 4, MacBook Pro Retina Display 13′, noile iMac si Mac mini. In cadrul conferintei a fost anunțat ca Apple a vândut in Q1 2013 47,8 milioane de iPhone-uri, 22,9 milioane de iPad-uri, 4,1 milioane, 12,7 milioane de iPod-uri si 2 milioane de Apple TV-uri. Aceste cifre sunt mult mai mari pentru iPhone si iPad decât cele din primul trimestru fiscal al anului trecut, cand compania americană a vândut 37 milioane de iPhone-uri si 15,4 milioane de iPad-uri, dar in ușoară scădere in ceea ce privește Mac-urile si iPod-urile. Incasarile Apple in primul trimestru fiscal al 2013 au depășit estimările analistilor de 52 miliarde $ cu 2,5 miliarde $. Profitul net al Apple a fost 13,1 miliarde $ sau 13,81$ per share, iar marja bruta este situată între 37,5 si 38,5 procente. In ceea ce privește rezerva monetară a Apple aceasta a ajuns la 137.1 miliarde $, dintre care 94 miliarde $ sunt in afara SUA.
La anunțarea acestor date, acțiunile companiei Apple au scăzut cu 10% ajungand la 462 $ per actiune, o valuare extrem de scazuta pentru ultimele luni. Actiunile companiei Apple urmează un trend ascendent in fiecare trimestru fiscal, analistii încearcă sa facă previziuni negative pentru a obține un preț mai bun per acțiune, iar unele publicații fac previziuni fără a fi in cunoștință de cauza.
Întregul comunicat de presa trimis de Apple este listat mai jos:
Sursa: AppleApple® today announced financial results for its 13-week fiscal 2013 first quarter ended December 29, 2012. The Company posted record quarterly revenue of $54.5 billion and record quarterly net profit of $13.1 billion, or $13.81 per diluted share. These results compare to revenue of $46.3 billion and net profit of $13.1 billion, or $13.87 per diluted share, in the 14-week year-ago quarter. Gross margin was 38.6 percent compared to 44.7 percent in the year-ago quarter. International sales accounted for 61 percent of the quarter’s revenue.
“Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations”
Average weekly revenue was $4.2 billion in the quarter compared to $3.3 billion in the year-ago quarter.
The Company sold a record 47.8 million iPhones in the quarter, compared to 37 million in the year-ago quarter. Apple also sold a record 22.9 million iPads during the quarter, compared to 15.4 million in the year-ago quarter. The Company sold 4.1 million Macs, compared to 5.2 million in the year-ago quarter. Apple sold 12.7 million iPods in the quarter, compared to 15.4 million in the year-ago quarter.
Apple’s Board of Directors has declared a cash dividend of $2.65 per share of the Company’s common stock. The dividend is payable on February 14, 2013, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on February 11, 2013.
“We’re thrilled with record revenue of over $54 billion and sales of over 75 million iOS devices in a single quarter,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “We’re very confident in our product pipeline as we continue to focus on innovation and making the best products in the world.”
“We’re pleased to have generated over $23 billion in cash flow from operations during the quarter,” said Peter Oppenheimer, Apple’s CFO. “We established new all-time quarterly records for iPhone and iPad sales, significantly broadened our ecosystem, and generated Apple’s highest quarterly revenue ever.”
Apple is providing the following guidance for its fiscal 2013 second quarter:
• revenue between $41 billion and $43 billion
• gross margin between 37.5 percent and 38.5 percent
• operating expenses between $3.8 billion and $3.9 billion
• other income/(expense) of $350 million
• tax rate of 26