Apple a anuntat, printr-un comunicat de presa, ca a vandut peste 2 milioane de terminale iPhone 5 in China, dupa doar trei zile de la lansarea oficiala a acestuia. iPhone-ul 5 a fost disponibil spre vanzare in China abia pe data 14 decembrie, iar din vinerea in care a fost lansat si pana duminica noaptea, compania americana a reusit sa vanda nu mai putin de 2 milioane de terminale, un numar intr-adevar impresionant avand in vedere timpul destul de scurt in care a fost atinsa aceasta cifra, dar si faptul ca in 21 septembrie, weekend-ul lansarii, Apple a reusit sa vanda 5 milioane de terminale iPhone 5 in zece tari. China este una din cele mai importante piete de desfacere de pe glob avand in vedere succesul avut de device-urile lor pe aceasta piata. Interesant este faptul ca iPhone 5 a ajuns abia acum in China, la mai bine de doua luni de la lansarea acestuia, iar lista cu tari in care mai trebuie lansat acest terminal este inca destul de mare, Apple promitand ca pana la sfarsitul anului acesta va fi disponibil intr-o suta de tari de pe glob.
Piata chineza este o zona uriasa, ce o ajuta pe Apple sa castige o cota de piata importanta. Momentan, compania americana are intelegeri cu doua mari firme de telefonie mobila din China, China Unicom si China Telecom. Pentru a face urmatorul pas, Apple va trebui sa semneze o intelegere si cu China Mobile, cel mai mare operator mobil din China.
Sursa: Apple PRBEIJING—December 17, 2012—Apple® today announced it has sold over two million of its new iPhone® 5 in China, just three days after its launch on December 14. iPhone 5 will be available in more than 100 countries by the end of December, making it the fastest iPhone rollout ever.
“Customer response to iPhone 5 in China has been incredible, setting a new record with the best first weekend sales ever in China,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “China is a very important market for us and customers there cannot wait to get their hands on Apple products.”
iPhone 5 is the thinnest and lightest iPhone ever, completely redesigned to feature a stunning new 4-inch Retina® display; an Apple-designed A6 chip for blazing fast performance; and ultrafast wireless technology*—all while delivering even better battery life.** iPhone 5 comes with iOS 6, the world’s most advanced mobile operating system with over 200 new features including: Shared Photo Streams, all-new Maps app, Passbook® organization and even more Siri® features and languages including Mandarin.
*Network speeds are dependent on carrier networks, check with your carrier for details.
**Battery life depends on device settings, usage and other factors. Actual results vary.Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.